Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Body Freedom Foundations – Pillar 7: Mindfulness – Stress Transforming Tools that Recharge Your Energy and Accelerate Healing

Body Freedom Foundations
Pillar 7: Mindfulness
Stress Transforming Tools that
Recharge Energy and Accelerate Healing

Watched the Pillar 7: Stress Transforming Tools instructional video.
Offered the Action Steps to your clients.

Watch the Video


Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio (Mp3) | Slides: Full | Slides: Printer-Friendly | Transcript

WARNING: The above audio/video files may be large and may take a long time to download.

Action Steps

#1: Assess your clients level of stress

Stress Level Assessment: Download and print this stress assessment.  Complete it for yourself to get a feel for the questions and to determine your present stress level. You will need a calculator handy to tabulate your score at the end.

Use this assessment as an example of one you can create for your own clients to help them see for themselves how stress may be impacting many facets of their life – including their physical health.

If you see that clients score in the highest stress category, their level of stress is likely to be influencing many areas of their health, and you need to explain the importance of this to them.  Suggest they set an alarm once per hour to remind them to take a “mini-vacation” using the “Quick Coherence” HeartMath technique, as taught in the video above and in the Transforming Stress System.

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#2: Teach your clients to utilize stress transformation techniques like meditation and “mini-vacations”

Meditation is a valuable tool to help your clients shift from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance, and thus improve their health.  For a technique they can use throughout their day to shift quickly and effectively, visit the Transforming Stress System page and learn about Heartmath.  You are welcome to sign-up for 30 days of audio messages to guide you through the process.  Teach your clients to practice the “Quick Coherence” technique as taught on the Transforming Stress System page: upon awakening, before each meal, and before they go to bed.

Consider creating your own messages to guide your clients through mindfulness practices, in your own voice.  You can also teach them to create their messages.  Hearing their own voice can bring new layers of healing.  Or, if you prefer, sign up as an affiliate and send your clients to the Transforming Stress System Registration page.  This can be a powerful tool that will continue to help your clients for many years to come.

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#3: Suggest that your clients find 3 things to appreciate each day.

It’s difficult to hold feelings of stress and appreciation at the same time, so share with your clients how important it is to take time throughout each day to appreciate what’s around them — people, pets, circumstances, objects, their environment, or anything that lifts them up.   Help them to make signs that they will see throughout the day to remind them of all that there is to appreciate. Then, before they go to bed each night, they can find 3 things to reflect on with gratitude.  They can then allow that glow to help them fall asleep.

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