Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Body Freedom Foundations – Pillar 2: Rest and Relaxation – Activities for Enhanced Sleep Quality

Body Freedom Foundations
Pillar 2: Rest and Relaxation
Activities for Enhanced Sleep Quality

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Even if your client is sleeping soundly, the steps below will improve their quality of sleep, resulting in more energy, stamina, and overall good health.

The more you can optimize, deepen, and enhance your client’s sleep, the more you help their body to optimize its repair and to balance hormones.

Action Plan

#1: Invite them to turn off bright lights after sunset.

Turning off bright lights as soon as possible after sunset encourages natural melatonin production. Encourage them to make it a positive choice by dimming the lights or creating a romantic setting with candle light an hour before bed.

Dimming the lights an hour or two before bedtime sends a signal to the pineal gland to start producing melatonin, the hormone that induces deep sleep. Studies now show melatonin protects from cancer cell growth during sleep.

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#2: Encourage them to turn off the TV and computer at least two hours before bedtime.

The flickering bright lights of screens inhibit melatonin production. To get optimum melatonin and a really deep and sound sleep requires darkness or at least dim lighting.

The computer is especially problematic since it’s in such close proximity to the eyes. Light entering the eyes signals the pineal gland that it’s daytime.

If two hours is difficult, have them start with 1 hour before bedtime and gradually extend the time.

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#3: Suggest they meditate, visualize, appreciate, or take a “mini-vacation” before bed.

Teach them to take a moment to reset thoughts and feelings once they get into bed, until they feel calm, restful, and positive. Encourage them to recall things they appreciated about the day. Help them to breathe deeply, center their mind on relaxing thoughts, or meditate.  This is a great time for a mini-vacation, using HeartMath techniques.

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#4: Encourage them to avoid intense mental activity within 2 hours of bedtime.

Intense mental activity, like studying for a test or researching scientific topics, results in brain waves are of the high-frequency beta type. Beta brain waves normally occur between 14 – 30 Hz, but during intense mental activity they can reach 50 Hz.

Going from wakefulness to sleep requires passing through the alpha wave state, which is a very relaxed sate. Alpha waves are generated when upon clearing the mind of wandering thoughts. If they engage in intense mental activity before going to bed, it will most likely take longer to slow down their mind and enter the alpha state, making it difficult to calm the chatter and fall asleep.

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#5: Suggest they avoid intense exercise close to bedtime.

Intense exercise revs up the metabolic engine and generates heat. With relaxation, the body slows down core temperature starts to drop. Exercising intensely too close to bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

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