Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Body Freedom Foundations – Pillar 7: Mindfulness

Body Freedom Foundations
Pillar 7: Mindfulness

As you help your clients to begin making new changes, it’s important to have a plan in place for helping them adapt to change.

For many, change comes with new habits that may be challenging at first, emotions that may bubble to the surface, and thoughts that may not serve their greater goals. Of course, sometimes the people close to your clients may also resist the changes they are being guided to make.

Whatever your circumstance may be, the first step in working with your clients is helping them to have a plan in place to handle obstacles BEFORE they get frustrated – at themselves and you.

We’ve provided you with some tools that you can use to guide your clients in managing their stress.  Stress is one of the most disruptive factors, and it must be addressed in order for your client to achieve their health goals.

Use these tools, and whatever others you’ve found useful in your own life and with clients.  Skipping this crucial pillar can result in a frustrating experience for both you and your client.

Your Progress:

Check off items as you complete them.

Watched the Pillar 7: Mindfulness core content video.
Downloaded all slides and transcripts.
Downloaded audios and videos.
Documented any important notes.
Completed Stress Transforming Tools that Recharge Your Energy and Accelerate Healing
Completed Transforming Stress System (TSS)
Completed Emotional Eating Strategy

Congratulations on completing the Pillar 7: Mindfulness training, [accessally_user_firstname]!

Training and Transcripts:


Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Slides: Full | Slides: Printer-Friendly | Transcript (yet to come)


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Use the resources below to guide you in sharing mindfulness practices with your clients

Stress Transforming Tools that Recharge Your Energy and Accelerate Healing

This section includes a video presentation on the importance of stress transformation. There’s also an assessment you can use to determine your own stress level, then practice putting stress transformation habits into place.  Once you’ve reviewed these materials, make a plan for how you can create similar resources for using with your clients.

Transforming Stress System

This section provides 30 days of audio messages that includes instructions on using a mindfulness practice based on the teachings of the Institute of HeartMath.  Practice the “Quick Coherence” technique or “mini-vacations” at least 5 times throughout the day, and then learn ways you can bring this same practice to your clients.

Emotional Eating Strategy

Learn the effects of emotional eating, how to spot your client’s triggers, and how to help them overcome the cycle of emotional eating. Use the “Emotional Eating Worksheet” and the “Personal Emotional Eating Strategy Statement”  as a template for materials and worksheets you can create, and then have your own clients complete to understand the why of their food choices.

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