Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT): Functional Nutrition Coaches (FNC) Resource Page for Energy Recharge Coaching (ERC)

Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Functional Nutrition Coaches (FNC) Resource Page
for Energy Recharge Coaching (ERC)

NEPT-FNC-Functional Nutrition Coach for ERCWe’re excited that you have decided to work along with us as a Functional Nutrition Coach during this year-long Energy Recharge Coaching program.  As such, you and your co-coach will be leading a group of 4-6 people once a month as they strive towards their health goals.

To learn more about the Energy Recharge Coaching (ERC) program, read through this document – ERC Invitation

To best understand your role as a Functional Nutrition Coach, click here.

You will be hosting monthly calls using a video platform such as Zoom so that your group participants will get to see you and each other.  This will allow all of you to create an intimate support for each other. Meet with your co-coach to determine who will host these.

You will have a Google Drive folder for your group. Each of your group members will have a Google Drive folder within this folder.  In this folder you will find their Health Tracker. The Health Tracker will be where you document lab findings, supplements, and other areas such as their call recordings.

You will also be asked to do a call once during this year as part of the FNC Office Hours call.  During this call, you will introduce yourself to the participants, and do a short presentation on a topic you feel comfortable with.  After that, the call participants will have the opportunity to ask you questions that they might need some guidance on.

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