Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Body Freedom Foundations – Pillar 2: Rest and Relaxation – Activities for Overcoming Sleep Difficulties

Body Freedom Foundations
Pillar 2: Rest and Relaxation
Activities for Overcoming Sleep Difficulties

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If your client is not regularly falling asleep easily and sleeping through the night, these activities can help them fall asleep and sleep more soundly.

Again, the more you can optimize, deepen, and enhance their sleep, the more you help their bodies to optimize repair and balance hormones.

Action Plan

#1: Encourage them to enjoy a warm (not hot) lavender bath before bed.

For some, hot baths interfere with sleep while a lukewarm bath 45 – 90 minutes before bed can improve sleep, especially when a few drops of lavender oil are added to the bath. Suggest that they stay in the bath for at least 15 minutes and up to an hour, adding hot water as needed to keep the temperature at around 97°F (36°C).

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#2: Suggest that they get outside in the morning sun.

Outdoor activity early in the day (before 1 p.m.) in the bright natural light will suppress daytime secretion of melatonin and help establish a normal rhythm. At the minimum, they should get outside and face towards the sun for at least 5 minutes.

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#3: Suggest that they sleep in as dark an environment as possible.

Sleeping in a dark room, or using a sleep mask if there are exterior lights shining in improves the quality of sleep dramatically by optimizing melatonin production.  Digital devices that glow should be kept as far away from the bed as possible – minimum 3 feet.

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#4: Encourage them to get horizontal for 30 – 60 minutes before sleep.

This should be done after their your bath if they take one. Getting horizontal right before bedtime gives the brain and body the signal to slow down, and sleep will be deeper and longer.

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#5: Study the Herbs and Supplements for Optimizing Sleep.

Herbs and Supplements for Optimizing Sleep: Here you’ll find herbs and supplements that may help your clients to get a better sleep each night.