Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Body Freedom Foundations – Pillar 5: Diet – Teach Clients About Fats

Body Freedom Foundations
Pillar 5: Diet
Teach Clients About Fats

In a society where fat consumption is exorbitant, we encounter so many people who are actually fat deficient.  How can that be?  The big problem is the food supply is loaded with oxidized and damaged fats,  vegetable oils, and a predominance of inflammation causing omega-6 fats.

This section provides a deep understanding of fats, from a client perspective, along with biochemical pathways for you, as a practitioner, to understand and use to explain things in compelling and simple ways.

Your Progress:

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Completed Give Your Body an Oil Change
Completed Managing Inflammation with Dietary Fats and Other Nutrients
Referenced "Eat Your Way Out of Pain" Course

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