Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Body Freedom Foundations – Pillar 6: Outlook – Let Go of Limiting Beliefs and Reclaim Your Energy

Body Freedom Foundations
Pillar 6: Outlook
Let Go of Limiting Beliefs 

It’s very common for people to be limited in what they achieve because of beliefs they picked up early on in life. With your clients, these limiting beliefs get in the way of their healing, or achieving their ideal weight. Watch the video for details then consider using the action steps with your clients. You will be amazed at the results when you can support your clients in releasing limiting beliefs.

Watched the Pillar 6: Outlook core content video.
Offered the Action Steps to your clients.
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Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio (Mp3) | Slides: Full | Slides: Printer-Friendly | Transcript

WARNING: The above audio/video files may be large and may take a long time to download.

Action Steps You Can Guide Your Client Through

#1: Have your clients make a list of limiting beliefs.

brick wall brain - limiting beliefs - flippedGuide your clients to make a list of beliefs that might be limiting them from moving forward into the health they desire.

For example: It’s too hard, I will never be healthy, My family will alienate me, etc.

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#2: Teach your clients to disarm limiting beliefs.

Overcome Limiting BeliefsOne by one, disarm each limiting belief using the process from the video.

The video will provide examples of how to keep asking the questions that help them go deeper into identifying limiting beliefs, then how to reframe the beliefs in more empowering ways.

Here’s a synopsis of the steps to take them through

  1. State the belief.
  2. Ask “Do I believe this is true?”
  3. If the answer is yes, ask why is the statement true. Keep asking why questions until you no longer really, truly believe it.
  4. Write down an alternate to the belief that’s empowering. i.e. I am not strong enough becomes I am working on getting stronger day by day.

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