Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Food Principles: Module Exam

Food Principles
Module Exam

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Below you’ll find a list of open-book, comprehensive, multiple-choice questions related to this module.

You will have 3 attempts to pass (the passing score is 80%).

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#1. You have a client who is a non-secretor with blood type A and digestive issues. What reference might you include to create a customized diet for her?
#2. Your client is deeply rooted in eastern philosophy and is a raw vegan, but has severe digestive issues and has been losing weight rapidly. She is willing to change her diet somewhat if it will help her to feel better. What reference might you include in creating personalized dietary suggestions?
#3. Many clients do not tolerate bone broth well, as it can contain high amounts of amines, FODMAPs, and glutamates.
#4.You have a client who is prone to seizures, muscle weakness, weight gain, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Her liver and kidney labs show optimal function, so you might use this particular diet as a reference:
#5. Which of the following is NOT one of the basics of sound nutrition?
#6. Which of the following are examples of Hypoallergenic/Elimination Diets?
#7. "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels"
#8. Your client has all the classic symptoms of SIBO. Which diet is most likely to benefit him?
#9. Your toddler has behavioral issues and often appears to be in physical pain. She rubs her eyes often, and you see distinct crystals in the dried urine in her potty chair. Which diet might be helpful to relieve her symptoms?
#10. If diet is __________, medicine is of no use. If diet is _________, medicine is of no need.”
#11. Which clients are most likely to be affected by phenols?
#12. To strengthen the migrating motor complex, clients should eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
#13. Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of candida overgrowth?
#14. Which of the following can be a reaction to phenols?
#15. Oatmeal is a "safe" food for clients with gluten sensitivity.
#16. A food allergy triggers an immune system response that is either immediate or delayed. A food intolerance does not trigger an immune response, and it is possible to eat a small amount with no reaction.
#17. Which of the following, in addition to vitamin B12, is also a possible nutrient deficiency for clients on a plant-based diet?
#18. The phrase “net carbs” refers to:
#19. The macrobiotic food pyramid features which food group as its mainstay?
#20. _________of the eight GAPS Intro Diet veggies are high in FODMAPs.
#21. Basics of sound nutrition most experts agree on include all but the following:
#22. Any purchased oil that is not cold processed and stored in dark containers should be avoided.
#23. Which of the following are foods that inhibit healing?
#24. Which of the following is NOT a consideration in creating a personalized nutrition plan for clients?
#25. After putting a client on an elimination diet:


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