Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Organic Acid Testing: Pre-Test

Organic Acid Testing

Completed the Pre-Test.
Recorded notes for any questions you missed to help focus your study.

ine-pre-testThe purpose of the pretest is to see how much you know about a topic from the start.  The results will help you to determine where to focus your energy in studying.

The test is not graded.  You will never be “penalized” even if you get nothing correct. If desired (and you want to reveal the correct answers), you can repeat the pre-test as many times as you wish.

I repeat for the perfectionists: This is a learning tool only; no grading!


Pre-Test Notes:

Once you complete your pre-test, make a note of any questions you didn’t get correct so that you can watch for related information in the core content training and know where to focus your learning.

Click here to enter your note


#1. The OAT test can be used to evaluate:
#2. The Great Plains OAT provides results for 46 markers; the Metametrix/Genova OAT test provides results for 72 markers.
#3. These elevated yeast/fungal metabolites can indicate overgrowth in the GI tract:
#4. Since grapes, grape juice, and dried grapes (raisins) contain tartaric acid, these foods must be avoided 24 hours prior to urine collection to avoid interference.
#5. 2-Hydroxyhippuric Acid can be elevated due to the ingestion of the artificial sweetener aspartame (Nutrasweet).
#6. Slightly elevated _______________________is commonly associated with vitamin B12 deficiency
#7. Orotic acid elevations are most commonly associated with ammonia toxicity.
#8. A conjugate of the amino acid glycine and hydroxybenzoic acid (salicylic acid). Intake of aspirin (salicylates) or the growth of salicylate-producing gastrointestinal bacteria may elevate levels.
#9. Significant increase in this amino acid metabolite is due to a reduced ability to metabolize the amino acid leucine.
#10. Phosphate urinary excretion is directly proportional to dietary intake.

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