Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Organic Acid Testing: Module Exam

Organic Acid Testing
Module Exam

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Below you’ll find a list of open-book, comprehensive, multiple-choice questions related to this module.

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#1. The OAT test can be used to evaluate:
#2. The Great Plains OAT provides results for 46 markers; the Metametrix/Genova OAT test provides results for 72 markers.
#3. These levated yeast/fungal metabolites indicate overgrowth in the GI tract:
#4. Since grapes, grape juice, and dried grapes (raisins) contain tartaric acid, these foods must be avoided 24 hours prior to urine collection to avoid interference with OAT markers.
#5. 2-Hydroxyhippuric Acid can be elevated due to the ingestion of the artificial sweetener aspartame (Nutrasweet).
#6. Slightly elevated _______________________is commonly associated with vitamin B12 deficiency
#7. Orotic acid elevations are most commonly associated with ammonia toxicity.
#8. A conjugate of the amino acid glycine and hydroxybenzoicacid (salicylic acid). Intake of aspirin (salicylates) or the growth of salicylate-producing gastrointestinal bacteria may elevate levels.
#9. Significant increase in this amino acid metabolite is due to a reduced ability to metabolize the amino acid leucine.
#10. Phosphate urinary excretion is directly proportional to dietary intake.
#11. 3-Hydroxybutyric acid and Acetoacetic acid are markers for:
#12. Quinolinic acid is derived from the neurotransmitter tryptophan and is neurotoxic at high levels.
#13. Pyridoxic acid is a major metabolite of vitamin _____.
#14. Low uracil values on an OAT may indicate a deficiency of folate or a defect in folate metabolism.
#15. Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 both have _____________ as a chemical precursor.
#16. Elevation of this OAT marker can indicate riboflavin deficiency:
#17. The OAT was first used in 1960s to determine inborn errors of metabolism - i.e. PKU.
#18. A metabolite produced by Aspergillus and possibly other fungal species in the GI tract:
#19. Since ____________is also a major sugar in apples, grapes, and pears, these fruits and their products must be avoided 24 hours prior to urine collection to avoid interference with OAT markers.
#20. Low urinary phosphate occurs in low intake and in vitamin D excess.

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