Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Thyroid Assessment: Advanced Topics / References

Thyroid Assessment
Advanced Topics / References

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INE advanced topics and references

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Recommended Books for a Deeper Dive:

Video on Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome

Dr. Denis Wilson is a pioneer in the clinical management of thyroid conditions using nutrition and functional medicine. He specializes in using T3 therapy to stimulate the thyroid gland and receptors to restore balance and in many cases, begin to function again naturally. This is a recording of a live call he did with us, as a part of our Advanced Clinical Resources component of the NEPT program. The metabolic rate is synonymous with the body temperature. We discussed a straightforward approach to normalizing low body temperatures.

“A Simple Approach to Normalizing the Metabolic Rate”
with Dr. Denis Wilson
Recorded February 10th, 2016


Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio (Mp3) | Slides: Full | Slides: Printer-Friendly

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