Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Reproduction Hormones: Module Exam

Reproduction Hormones
Module Exam

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#1. The body's master hormone control center is located in the:
#2. The more ER Beta signaling there is at the breast, the less the incidence of cancer; the more it is turned off, the greater the risk.
#3. This hormone is produced by the corpus luteum and brain, and is a direct descendant of pregnenalone.
#4. Brassicas promote protective estrogen metabolites.
#5. Women who consume dairy have higher 16 estrogens.
#6. This hormone is a precursor for both male and female hormones; it is an anti-stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands.
#7. Postmenopausal women with the highest intakes of dietary lignans are 14 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than those with low intakes.
#8. This vitamin rescues Cytochrome P-series enzymes in the liver detox pathway, reduces activation of 16-series estrogens, and protects against breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
#9. There are more estrogen receptors in the ___________ than anywhere else in the body.
#10. Vitex Agnus Castus (Chaste Tree) increases estrogen by stimulating luteinizing hormone .
#11. Female reproductive hormones are known as androgens.
#12. Growth hormone (GH) is produced by the ____________ .
#13. Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) is produced by the:
#14. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is produced by the:
#15. Five different types of estrogen receptors have been identified by Gustafson at the Karolinska Institute.
#16. This estrogen receptor enhances vitamin D absorption and affects serotonin.
#17. This estrogen receptor protects against brain injury; in excess it can promote tumor growth.
#18. Excess stress, fat, and sugar can promote this estrogen receptor:
#19. Natural progesterone may turn on ER beta signaling, which then protects cells from excess growth.
#20. Low progesterone can result in irritability, anxiety, obsessive behaviors, weight gain, itching, bloating, sweating, digestive problems, flatulence, and loss of memory.
#21. Progesterone can be increased with:
#22. Progestins, such as Provera, are superior to bio-identical hormones for overall client health.
#23. Which of the following is NOT a function of progesterone?
#24. A weak male hormone and precursor of male and female hormones:
#25. An enzyme responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of estrogens:
#26. The main testicular androgen and precursor to highly potent dihydrotestosterone:
#27. These inhibit estrogen synthase from thearomatization of androgens into estrogens:
#28. As plant food consumption goes up by 20%, cancer rates drop by 20%. When cruciferous veggie intake goes up by 20%, cancer rates drop by_____.
#29. "Wild card" antioxidant – if not enough vitamin C or E, it can fill in.
#30. To speed up the excretion of metabolized hormones:
#31. A deficiency in this vitamin makes estrone and estradiol stay on receptors longer, especially alpha:
#32. This mineral is antiproliferative at the breast, helps drain proliferative 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone into protective estriol, and keeps estrogen ratios optimal.
#33. Endocrine disruptors:
#34. DDT doubles the time that cortisol stays elevated in the blood stream.
#35. “________ at night is the ultimate endocrine disruptor; if it was a drug the FDA would make it illegal.”
#36. Prenatal exposures are proven to have little effect on the incidence of miscarriage.
#37. Which is a hormonal benefit of exercise?
#38. Exercise increases a chemical called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, which helps you to think more quickly and clearly, and to be more motivated.
#39. Which of the following are effective forms of exercise for improving health and hormonal balance?
#40. Exercise decreases levels of GABA, serotonin and dopamine, which leads to less energy, mental clarity, and calmness.
#41. Exercise reduces ______________ and improves your immune system.
#42. Herbs for hormonal regulation include maca, red clover, vitex, and _____________.
#43. When estrogen blood levels rise while estrogen signaling and function drops, this can indicate:
#44. This herb can be used to treat both male and female libido conditions. Rich in fatty acids and phytosterols, it works by inhibiting conversion of testosterone to DHT (aka androstanolone), and also has anecdotal benefits for hair loss.
#45. Natural approaches to menopause include managing stress, supporting adrenals, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, adequate hydration, exercise, and night time wind-down rituals.

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