Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Neurotransmitter Testing: Learning Objectives

Neurotransmitter Testing
Learning Objectives

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INE learning objectivesAs you work through the materials, your goals by the end will be to:

  • Understand the presenting client complaints/symptoms of brain and neurotransmitter dysfunction so you can pinpoint areas of imbalance to be corrected.
  • Understand the controversy behind brain and neurotransmitter testing, so that you can explain it to your client and still be able to not only make educated choices, but also support your client in making targeted diet and lifestyle changes.
  • Know how to assess brain and neurotransmitter status via the the different markers in lab testing – Blood Chemistry, Organic Acids, Amino Acids, Blood Spot Fatty Acids, Digestive System, Hormones, Oxidative Stress Markers – so you can evaluate your client’s need for nutritional brain and neurotransmitter balance.
  • Be able to identify the physical exam signs of neurotransmitter imbalance, so you can monitor for improvement without the expense of frequent lab tests.
  • Be familiar with the Brain and Neurotransmitter Assessment (online), so you can guide your clients to use this tool to achieve optimal brain function by assessing current brain function.
  • Know which lab tests are appropriate for assessing which neurotransmitter imbalances and how to order the tests for clients.
  • Understand how to interpret various Organic Acids Test markers for neurotransmitters, so that you can explain to your clients how these markers correlate to their symptoms, and help them create a protocol for symptom relief.
  • Understand which foods or supplements contribute to neurotransmitter imbalance/balance, so you can support your client to attain the vibrant health they deserve.
  • Be familiar with the case studies presented involving neurotransmitter imbalance; know how to recognize and address similar patterns in your own clients.

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