Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Neurotransmitter Testing: Module Exam

Neurotransmitter Testing
Module Exam

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#1. Neurotransmitter lab testing can include:
#2. All authorities and experts are in total agreement with regard to neurotransmitter testing methods and efficacy.
#3. ___________deficiency may be indicated by elevated KYNA (kyurenic acid) on an OAT test.
#4. ____________ stimulate(s) the release of norepinephrine and dopamine at the synapse.
#5. Symptoms of low endorphins are: sensitive to pain, cry easily, cravings for comfort foods or drugs
#6. Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is also a neurotransmitter.
#7. This neurotransmitter affects the neuromuscular junction connecting motor nerves to muscles.
#8. A high ratio of these compounds on an OAT test can indicate excessive inflammation due to recurrent infections, excessive tryptophan intake, immune overstimulation, excessive adrenal production of cortisol, or excessive exposure to phthalates.
#9. LSD mimics which neurotransmitter?
#10. Sleep deprivation can affect neurotransmitters.
#11. 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid is a metabolite of the neurotransmitter _______________.
#12. Decreased quinolinic acid values in urine may be caused by various factors such as chronic inflammation from microbial infections.
#13. VMA (vanilmandelic acid) is a metabolite of ___________.
#14. 5-HTP can be a preferable supplement to tryptophan, since it is not converted to quinolinic acid.
#15. Foods such as tomato, plum, walnut, pineapple, or eggplant are high in:
#16. Stiff and tense muscles, knots in the stomach, and feelings of dread and anxiety for no reason can be symptoms of a deficiency in:
#17. Marijuana, chocolate, sugar, and caffeine temporarily relieve the effects of dopamine deficiency.
#18. Serotonin and melatonin are affected by which amino acid?
#19. Antidepressants like Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft inhibit _________________.
#20. It is possible to reduce excess neurotoxic quinolinic acid by eliminating tryptophan supplementation.

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