Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Immune System Assessment: Module Exam

Immune System Assessment
Module Exam

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Below you’ll find a list of open-book, comprehensive, multiple-choice questions related to this module.

You will have 3 attempts to pass (the passing score is 80%).

If you make two unsuccessful attempts, make a note of the areas that are providing challenges for you, then reach out on an upcoming support call or use the Facebook group to find yourself a study partner.

If you are unsuccessful after your third attempt, please contact us for assistance.

#1. These immunoglobulins are Respiratory/GI mucous secretions and correlate to allergic, asthma, hay fever, and skin reactions.
#2. The Cyrex Array 5 is an example of an antibody panel.
#3. The Oxidata test for oxidative stress is which kind of test?
#4. People with chronic illness and disease typically have AA/EPA ratios above_____ on the Blood Spot Fatty Acid Profile.
#5. Specialized blood testing for immune system function can include:
#6. You have a client who doesn't eat fish. In order to meet the recommended intake of ALA, you might suggest:
#7. Blood antidbody food tests have a _________ number of positives related to leaky gut.
#8. You have a client presenting with many food and environmental allergies, so you might also suspect an autoimmune issue.
#9. A client presenting with frequent infections may lead you to suspect a ________________ immune system.
#10. These leukocytes make antibodies; on a CBC, elevation may indicate a viral infection.
#11. These leukocytes are the first line of defense, on a CBC elevation may indicate a bacterial infection.
#12. You have a client wtih leaky gut, whose thyroid labs indicate decreased T3, increased rT3, decreased TSH. You might suspect an issue with:
#13. Skin tests can be useful for detecting inhalent allergies.
#14. These leukocytes are considered the second line of defense; on a CBC, they can be elevated during the recovery stage of an infection.
#15. These leukocytes are elated to histamines, allergy mast cells, and IgE antibodies.
#16. These leukocytes can be indicative of parasites or allergies when elevated on a CBC.
#17. Steroids and corticosteroids suppress the immune system.
#18. The Blood Spot Fatty Acid Profile can give an idea of total trans fatty acids in the system.
#19. _______ of people sensitive to gluten are sensitive to casein.
#20. When lauric acid is present in the diet, the long chain omega-6 fatty acids accumulate in the tissues even when consumption of essential fatty acids is low.

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