Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Thyroid Mastery: Module Exam

Thyroid Mastery
Module Exam

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Below you’ll find a list of open-book, comprehensive, multiple-choice questions related to this module.

You will have 3 attempts to pass (the passing score is 80%).

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#1: Where is Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) released?
#2: What hormone does the thyroid gland predominately produce?
#3: The hypothalmus releases TRH, causing the pituitary to release TSH, which stimulates the thyroid to produce T4.
#4: Where is 80% of T3 produced?
#5: Thyroid Binding Globulin and Thyroglobulin are interchangeable since they perform the same function.
#6: Thyroid peroxidase is an enzyme utilized in synthesizing thyroxine by:
#7: Which is considered to be the most biologically active thyroid hormone?
#8: When the adrenals are overstimulated because of high levels of stress, the pituitary also becomes overstimulated, which can then overstimulate the thyroid.
#9: Which of the following does not apply to Graves Disease?
#10: Halides (chlorine, flourine, bromine) cause thyroid problems by:
#11: Basal Body Temperature (temp 1st thing in morning) below 97.7 can indicate thyroid issues.
#12: Symptom(s) of hypothyroid tendencies:
#13: Hyperthyroidism symptom(s):
#14: What labs help diagnose thyroid issues?
#15: When supplementing someone who has Hashimoto's with sea vegetables, it is important to make sure they are balanced with appropriate amounts of selenium.
#16: Radioactivity is useful to increase thyroid functioning.
#17: In the care and feeding of your thyroid gland, which of the following is not useful?
#18: Amino acid(s) which (is)are not directly thyroid enhancing:
#19: Hypothyroid nutrition involves which of the following?
#20: A major cause of thyroid resistance:
#21: A gluten-free diet is the most nourishing diet for the thyroid.
#22: Which herb supports thyroid functioning by its role in the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver?
#23: Wilson's Temperature Syndrome lifestyle treatments include which of the following?
#24: Glutathione and SOD are two excellent antioxidants for the thyroid.
#25: Which nutrient is a vital part of the thyroid hormone molecule?
#26: What is zinc's role in thyroid heath?
#27: Which lifestyle/diet change is specifically supportive for T3?
#28: Which herb(s) help(s) normalize thyroid function?
#29: What herb(s) support(s) both TH1 and TH2?
#30: Types of thyroid dysfunction include:
#31: There are over _____ patterns of hypothyroid imbalance.
#32: Which of the following factors contributes to thyroid dysfunction?
#33: Which of the following is NOT an effect of thyroid dysfunction on glucose metabolism?
#34: Thyroid functioning affects the brain, hormones, bones, GI tract, liver, gallbladder, and cardiovascular system.
#35: If a client's blood pressure and total cholesterol are high, this can indicate which tendency?
#36: High TSH and high triglycerides are an indication of:
#37: Body temperature that is low and consistent vs. low and fluctuates can be a sign of:
#38: Facial color that is pale can indicate:
#39: Which additional labs are helpful in determining patterns of thyroid dysfunction?
#40: Smoking can cause:

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