Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Physical Exam: Module Exam

Physical Exam
Module Exam

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You’ve successfully completed your Module Exam.

Passed the module exam

ine-examIt’s time to fully review and put your learning to the test!

Below you’ll find a list of open-book, comprehensive, multiple-choice questions related to this module.

You will have 3 attempts to pass (the passing score is 80%).

If you make two unsuccessful attempts, make a note of the areas that are providing challenges for you, then reach out on an upcoming support call or use the Facebook group to find yourself a study partner.

If you are unsuccessful after your third attempt, please contact us for assistance.

#1: Which of these is insignificant in a physical exam?
#2: The best places to check for a pulse are at the throat and the wrist.
#3: If the blood pressure decreases upon standing it is indicative of:
#4: Which of the following is not a part of the eye?
#5: If the pupil does not contract in the presence of bright light, it can be indicative of:
#6: Puffy bags under the eyes may indicate:
#7: The optimal color of the sclera is:
#8: Loss of taste, especially for sweets, could indicate a problem with the following:
#9: Cracks, fissures, and scales, especially at the corners of the mouth, could indicate absorption issues with all but the following:
#10: A person whose breath smells like urine most likely has a problem digesting:
#11: Facial diagnosis can give you an indication of what problem is occurring with an organ or gland in your client's body.
#12: Acne may be a result of:
#13: In tongue diagnosis, the kidney, bladder, and intestines are in the front portion of the tongue.
#14: A rectangular tongue is an indication of:
#15: Froth on the side edges of the tongue may indicate:
#16: Normal tongue color is:
#17: The coating on the tongue is normal when it is:
#18: Scalloped edges and teeth marks on the side of the tongue may indicate:
#19: Excess ear wax and dry hair can both be attributed to EFA deficiency.
#20: A good constitutional reserve of energy is indicated by what size moons on the nails of the hand?
#21: Excessive vertical ridges on the fingernails may indicate:
#22: Cracked skin at the tips of the fingers may indicate:
#23: Skin tags are related to all but the following:
#24: Optimum stool consistency is:
#25: Bodily functions may be assessed by checking:
#26: The Functional Exam Interpretation allows the clinician to:
#27: Splitting, breaking nails can be a sign of all of the following except:
#28: Splitting cuticles are a sign of all but the following:
#29: Vertical ridges on fingers other than the thumb indicate:

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