Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): IRSPT – Implementation: Module Exam

Insulin Resistance Solution Practitioner Training (IRSPT)
Module Exam

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Below you’ll find a list of open-book, comprehensive, multiple-choice questions related to this module.

You will have 3 attempts to pass (the passing score is 80%).

If you make two unsuccessful attempts, make a note of the areas that are providing challenges for you, then reach out on an upcoming support call or use the Facebook group to find yourself a study partner.

If you are unsuccessful after your third attempt, please contact us for assistance.

#1: The Insulin Resistance Solution consists of:
#2: The 5 key steps to restore blood sugar balance include all of these except:
#3: High insulin leads to hyperglycemia.
#4: The following is true about cortisol and adrenaline spikes.
#5: High-glycemic carbs promote
#6: Normal cells adapt to the high levels by ___________ and thus require a very large amount of insulin to open up.
#7: The "Carb Addiction Cycle" includes all of these except:
#8: Key lifestyle areas to address for blood sugar balance include:
#9: The overview of the 30-day plan to balance blood sugar includes which one of these?
#10: In the overview of 30-day plan, it is recommended to eat chia seeds, greens or other omega-3 rich foods, and optional protein powder within:
#11: The optimum amount of time for most people to sleep at night is:
#12: Consume only foods that keep blood sugar readings at:
#13: Including burst training and resistance training is an excellent strategy for balancing blood sugar.
#14: During a 30-day strict low-glycemic diet all of the following are true except:
#15: Bananas are a _________- glycemic fruit
#16: Fruit juices are generally allowed on a 30-day strict low-glycemic diet.
#17: Low-glycemic fruits are included in _________ quantities in a 30-day strict low-glycemic diet.
#18: Other foods to avoid include all except:
#19: The top 6 food allergens include all of these except:
#20: Runner-up allergens include all except:
#21: Clients are ready for maintenance phase if:
#22: Which of these foods are best to avoid for life?
#23: When reintroducing fruits, all are true except:
#24: A client is ready to start slowly decreasing supplement dosages if:
#25: Cornerstone supplements include all except:
#26: All of these are true about weaning off supplements except:
#27: When reintroducing potential allergens, it's best to start with the most problematic.
#28: Fitness guidelines highlights include all except:
#29: Diet & nutrition guidelines highlights include all except:
#30: Practice “Quick Coherence,” aka “Mini-Vacations,” at least ___ times a day.
#31: Attitude & stress guidelines highlights include:
#32: To turn down the activity intensity starting a couple of hours before bedtime, do all of the following except:
#33: Which of these timing principles are important for blood sugar balance?
#34: Avoid high-carbohydrate breakfasts. Morning carb overdoses cause a premature spike in ______ and food cravings.
#35: Papaya, persimmon, pear and pineapple are low glycemic fruits.
#36: All of the following help blood sugar regulation except:
#37: To maintain good blood glucose balance, it's best to test these foods before eating except:

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