Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): Allergy Testing: Module Exam

Allergy Testing
Module Exam

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Below you’ll find a list of open-book, comprehensive, multiple-choice questions related to this module.

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#1. The Gluten Cross Reactivity Test:
#2. T Helper Cells Type 2 alert B cells to make antibodies, which memorize the intruder to catch it quicker next time.
#3. On the Elimination/Provocation protocol, how many new foods should be reintroduced at a time?
#4. Immune barriers include the skin, intestine lining, lungs, and blood brain barrier.
#5. The Enterolabs test for gluten sensitivity is what kind of test?
#6. ALCAT is an acronym for:
#7. On the ALCAT test, a food allergen is added to a urine sample in order to determine food sensitivity/intolerance.
#8. A very few number of positives on blood antibody food tests are related to leaky gut.
#9. 80% of clients who are sensitive to gluten are also sensitive to:
#10. These cells make sure there is enough protection via T helper and T suppressors.
#11. Hives or anaphalaxis is an example of which type of allergy?
#12. Which of these can be symptoms of a food allergy?
#13. Immunoglobulins involved in immediate, histamine allergies:
#14. Blood antibody food tests usually test IgG only or IgG and IgA.
#15. Respiratory and GI mucous secretions – allergic asthma, hay fever, skin reactions (i.e. hives) and parasitic infections - usually involve which immunoglobulins?
#16. Which of the following is NOT one of the top 6 most common food allergens?
#17. There is no controversy or skepticism regarding the ALCAT food intolerance test.
#18. The Elimination Diet eliminates suspect foods for at least _____days.
#19. The Diagnostechs Lab Food Intolerance Panel is an example of a __________ test.
#20. The Cyrex Labs Array 3 measures 20 subfractions of gluten, not just gliadin.

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