Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE): History Taking: Module Exam

History Taking
Module Exam

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ine-examIt’s time to fully review and put your learning to the test!

Below you’ll find a list of open-book, comprehensive, multiple-choice questions related to this module.

You will have 3 attempts to pass (the passing score is 80%).

If you make two unsuccessful attempts, make a note of the areas that are providing challenges for you, then reach out on an upcoming support call or use the Facebook group to find yourself a study partner.

If you are unsuccessful after your third attempt, please contact us for assistance.

#1: When doing a functional assessment with a patient, it’s important to consider __________________.
#2: The four pillars of functional assessment include:
#3: Journals of daily activities and diet can be useful to get to know your client.
#4: A "Ready and Willing" assessment is an important component of a thorough history.
#5: Data included in a history may include:
#6: When talking to your client/patient about their health goals, it’s not important to find out if they are interested in palliative or preventative care.
#7: A mnemonic that can help you remember what to ask during a history of the chief complaint is:
#8: Beyond the four pillars of functional assessment other ways to get to know your client include:
#9: The effect of day-to-day activities is insignificant when discussing the chief complaint
#10: What do the three "S's" stand for, in taking a case history?
#11: The following are insignificant in a "Nutrition and Lifestyle Questionnaire":
#12: When taking an exercise history, it’s important to consider:
#13: When considering sleep history, things to consider are:
#14: When evaluating stress, it’s important to consider:
#15: The brand of medication has no bearing on how it affects your patient or client.
#16: Of equal importance when considering environmental influences on health are:
#17: Environmental influences may also include:
#18: If you’re not a dentist, a dental evaluation is not important in history taking.
#19: If doing a dental evaluation, it’s important to consider:
#20: When considering the health of your patient or client, physical trauma is more significant than emotional trauma.
#21: Family health history does not affect the health of your patient or client.
#22: A past health history should include:
#23: Initially, Body Systems Evaluation Scorecards may include:
#24: Gland and Hormone scorecards include:
#25: Nutrient Evaluation scorecards are for:
#26: Patients and clients may gain insight into their health conditions if they do journaling.
#27: Important issues to track when working to restore health include:
#28: A "Ready and Willing" Assessment might include all below except:
#29: BEFORE their first appointment, be prepared by getting:
#30: Functional lab tests include:

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