EMFs and Health – January 25th, 2019


Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl

January 25th, 2019

EMFs and Health

I got into a surprising discussion with 2 people about EMFs and their impact on health. Both are “scientists,” and one is a Naturopath.

They claim that based on the way the waves interact with the human body (or don’t), that there is no validation for the statement that EMFs can be dangerous.

What’s your opinion? What evidence do you have to support it?

I admit to not being a “physics” person, and not really jumping in and understanding the science from a physics perspective. I do have a “sense” that it can’t be good, and I’ve seen clinically how people‘s health can get disrupted. They attribute that to the “Nocebo” effect – meaning they react poorly because they expect to.

That may be the case for some, but all too often, we see clients who don’t even know anything about the effect of having the cell phone by the head at night, and are having disrupted sleep, moods, digestion blood sugar, and more – and when we can convince them to remove the EMF sources in the bedroom, they feel better.

I’d love to discuss this on a call or in the Facebook group, or both. Please post any studies or articles you find compelling. Thanks so much.