Book Review: Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s “You Can Fix Your Brain” – January 11th, 2019


Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
January 11th, 2019

I do a lot of reading – only I don’t actually read, I listen. I find audio books are a great way to learn while exercising, cleaning, driving, and other activities that don’t require mental focus.

I’m currently ‘reading’ Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s “You Can Fix Your Brain,” and finding it very well written and interesting. He does a good job of making the science understandable, while using metaphors that make it easy to remember.

I think it would be a good resource for fun metaphors and explanations for your clients. I don’t know about you, but I see lots of people with neurological issues. Many can’t sleep, have tons of cognitive decline and memory problems, and experience a fair amount of depression and anxiety.

He lays out a 30-day program that includes much of what we teach here, like how to heal the gut, clean up environment, movement, food, and nutrients.

A couple of quick things that stood out for me:

  • bleeding gums, say with flossing or irrigation, can be a sign of leaky gut and leaky brain
  • excessive exercise (like marathon running) can have a negative impact on the microbiome

The BrainTime site I mentioned above is a good resource to add to the suggestions in this book.

Dr. Tom’s book is on Amazon and in other bookstores.