Do multivitamins improve heart health? – November 16th, 2018


Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
November 16th, 2018


Do multivitamins improve heart health?

In a Pub Med review paper, a total of 18 studies that evaluated the association of multivitamin/mineral supplementation on cardiovascular outcomes, such as stroke and heart attack, were reviewed. The studies spanned an unusually large time frame – from 1970 to 2016.

Although the scope of this review was huge — with over 2 million participants across all 18 studies — there were some important details missing. For example, only 5 of the 18 reviewed studies actually specified the dose and type of supplement studied. This means that the majority of the studies had no actual data on how much, or even what type, of vitamin or mineral was taken.

I feel that this review paper is too broad for a conclusion. It’s not surprising that the review authors came to the conclusion that multivitamins do not improve cardiovascular health. I think it is too short-sighted in not further researching how different nutrients could affect heart health.

If you review the Micro-nutrients Module, you understand more about how nutrients work. This might be the better conclusion: that a general multivitamin may not be the best for those with cardiovascular issues.

To me, this reinforces even more the idea that you need to understand the actual micro-nutrient deficiencies in those with heart health issues – or any health problems. Then you can target supplementation, along with food and herbs, that will more likely improve the health of your clients.

(Circulation, Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, July 2018)

ABSTRACT Association of Multivitamin and Mineral Supplementation and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.